Apr 27, 2013

如果用鋼鍊的風格來畫進擊的巨人 part III (final)

我以後再也不做這種事情了 orz

畫到最後真的都會起笑 XD 然後會越畫越順手...

如果用鋼鍊的風格來畫進擊的巨人 part II

扔完飛盤之很累後不想做正事 XD

如果用鋼鍊的風格來畫進擊的巨人 part I




....應該會是這樣吧? 目前還在實驗階段 XD

Apr 10, 2013

迪薩猛退休去 不過也有可能會回鍋York DeSalvo “retired,” but could return to York

迪薩猛退休去 不過也有可能會回鍋York    DeSalvo “retired,” but could return to York 

原文節錄自   http://ydtalk.com/revs/?p=3357

Mason was hoping to get DeSalvo back in York near the end of the 2012 season, but DeSalvo’s team over in Taiwan ended up making the playoffs. When chatting by phone late last Friday night, DeSalvo said he led the league in Taiwan in strikeouts, was one away from the league lead in wins and a couple points off the league lead in ERA. But the experience wasn’t exactly an enjoyable one, according to DeSalvo, who I chatted with by phone last Friday night.

2012年的時候,梅森(York經理)曾經希望迪薩猛可以回York打球,不過迪薩猛說,他在台灣效力的隊伍打進了季後賽,所以無法成行。我(記者)上禮拜五晚上跟迪薩猛打了電話,迪薩猛表示他在台灣的三振 勝投 跟防禦率排行榜上面都是數一數二的--只是這個經驗並不愉快。