Mar 22, 2014


【英國特派員】林孟潔:服貿協議的草率令人震驚──剛與馬總統會面的倫敦政經學院教授Christopher Hughes談話記要 
聽說連結被刪了 先備份
I couldn’t recall the detail of the conference I attended in Taiwan last year, but I remember that there was this big discussion about ECFA. I was quite skeptical about ECFA. Was it necessary? Why do you even need ECFA, really? Even if you look at KMT, the impact on GDP is relatively small, much smaller than predictions. And there are a lot of political arguments made about it. There are a lot political than economic I think, both sides, for and against. For the Ma administration, they had to show some progress on the cross-strait relations to get some support from Beijing. The arguments they made were that we have to compete with South Korea. This is not really an argument. If you’re competing with South Korea, it’s hopefully high-technology. Now that is already covered by WTO.

Mar 21, 2014

你問我立場 沉默地我望著天空的飛鳥而拒絕答腔


今天有一位大陸同學問我說服貿到底發生甚麼事情? 我解釋到後來差點吵起來。我們等一下要主持一個學術性的小會議,還是不要討論會讓兩人吵架的事情好了。會議結束後我們討論了齒列矯正的話題。不碰政治大家都開心。





A. 要採用讓馬政府更感到壓力的下一步嗎?
B. 學生團體的訴求和定位現在在哪裡? 達成了嗎?
C. 這股氣可以持續多久?


Mar 19, 2014

Hundreds of students occupy Taiwan's Legislature to protest China pact

百餘位學生佔據台灣立法院 抗議與中國協議

Editor's note: Are you there? Share your images, if you can from a safe place.
(CNN) -- Hundreds of students remained barricaded in Taiwan's Legislature early Wednesday in protest of the ruling party's push for a trade pact with China, which demonstrators claim will hurt the island.
The protesters, mostly university students, entered the main assembly hall inside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei on Tuesday night and blocked the entrances with chairs, according to images and accounts filed from the scene with CNN iReport.

Feb 5, 2014

(Trying to) Write Like a Native Speaker! (Part I)

As an international student, I've been trying as hard as possible to write emails like native speakers. It's ..well...a painstaking process :P There are some "common combinations" of words that I don't really know how to use. Especially preposition, plural, and collocation. Well, I can still write something that people understand. But if I can I'd try to write more elegantly. 

Usually I tried to start with a draft and then send it to my friends for help. Every time  I am surprised by how different the email reads after the fine-tuning. 

Here I'm going to share some email templates. Hope that helps! 

Jan 6, 2014

最冷的新年 2014.01.05~01.06


Northstar Chen
1月2日在 Evanston, IL 附近
2013.12.30 Well it's cold
2013.12.31 Oh its snowing like a winter
2014.01.01 What the snow is too big I don't want to go out
2014.01.02 Holy shit snow! Stop it now!
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