Dec 28, 2011

25 Aug 2011--起飛前往Chicago || Going to Chicago

I left Taiwan on 25 Aug. 2011 to realize my American dream. 

All of my property. It was a "real-life monopoly."

The blue sky in northern Taiwan. It was a good day of traveling. I would like to memorize the scenary  

At Taoyuan International Airport (TPE). It was a Boeing 767 from Japanese Airline (JAL).

My last glance of Taiwan. The island in the center is Gueishan Island (the Turtle Island), which looks like a turtle in the sea. 

Awesome view from above the clouds. 

I didn't know JAL will serve Haagen-Daz icecream in lunch time! Ah, it was a very wise choice to choose a flight with lunch service. 

成田機場是陰天。這台正是要載我飛越太平洋的Boeing 777。
Cloudy in Narita Airport (NRT) in Tokyo. This was the Boeing 777 to send me across the Pacific Ocean.

The close up of the turbine engine.

American Airline (AA) 提供的飛機餐,我覺得品質就比JAL差多了。左邊那個蝦壽司的飯硬的跟塑膠一樣...
The dinner provided by American Airline. The quality of the meal was not so good comparing to that of JAL. Notice the shrimp shushi on the left side, which tasted like a plastic toy...

(The flight across the Pacific Ocean took me 15 hours...)

Welcome to AA weight-gaining project. The 15-hour journey only included eating and sleeping.
I would wake up from time to time to check where and which timezone were us in. The journey was smooth, though. I even had the illusion that we were stationary because I couldn't feel any "movement" of the airplane. (Say "thank you" to Newton's First Law of Motion!)

It was too bad that I could not open the window, or it would be interesting to see America from the sky. BTW, my seat was in the middle of the was terrible because I had trouble to squeeze through the person beside be to go to the lavatory. The experience reminded me to be an early bird to choose my seat.  

O'Hare國際機場的候車亭,我在這裡等候Pace 250 Bus把我載到Oak and Ridge街口。因為一些意外,導致我沒有聯絡上台灣同學會的接機服務,所以我得自己一個人搭公車去跟佳妍(現在材料系的同學,不過我之前一直以為是學姐)會合。公車亭裡面有些人在等車,還有人想要讓座給我哈哈~不過我在飛機上飛了15小時屁股早就痠了。


本來還滿怕在公車上遇到些奇怪的傢伙,但是我遇到的都是好人QQ 每個人都挺有禮貌,有些乘客看到我兩個行李箱還主動招呼我。我右邊坐了一個台灣ABC女孩,這讓我感到很驚訝 XD 而對面坐了一個會去非英語系國家教英文的年輕男士。一路上都在聊天,哈哈 XD 完全沒有壓力,還可以順便練習英文。

2011-08-25 芝加哥時間 4:00 pm

成功抵達Oak and Ridge交叉路口! 任務圓滿達成~我好厲害呵呵!