Apr 10, 2013

迪薩猛退休去 不過也有可能會回鍋York DeSalvo “retired,” but could return to York

迪薩猛退休去 不過也有可能會回鍋York    DeSalvo “retired,” but could return to York 

原文節錄自   http://ydtalk.com/revs/?p=3357

Mason was hoping to get DeSalvo back in York near the end of the 2012 season, but DeSalvo’s team over in Taiwan ended up making the playoffs. When chatting by phone late last Friday night, DeSalvo said he led the league in Taiwan in strikeouts, was one away from the league lead in wins and a couple points off the league lead in ERA. But the experience wasn’t exactly an enjoyable one, according to DeSalvo, who I chatted with by phone last Friday night.

2012年的時候,梅森(York經理)曾經希望迪薩猛可以回York打球,不過迪薩猛說,他在台灣效力的隊伍打進了季後賽,所以無法成行。我(記者)上禮拜五晚上跟迪薩猛打了電話,迪薩猛表示他在台灣的三振 勝投 跟防禦率排行榜上面都是數一數二的--只是這個經驗並不愉快。

“They were throwing me 130 pitches in a start,” DeSalvo said of his time pitching in Taiwan. “I didn’t know how many pitches I was throwing because the communication wasn’t really smooth because the interpreter didn’t speak english. It’d be the seventh inning and I’d be at 95 pitches and I’d say ‘Hey, I don’t want to throw more than 110 pitches. The next inning I’d go out there and get around 105 pitches and no one would be warming up to go in the game. So, because there’s a lot of communication issues, you’re forced into situations to throw.

他們要我一次先發就丟一百三十球,“ 迪薩猛回憶他在台灣投球的時候 ,“我不知道我到底用了幾球,我們之間溝通不順,因為我們的翻譯英文不太好。我可能在七局的時候就用到九十五球了,這時我會說,我不想要投超過一百一十球。下一局的時候我會繼續投到一百零五球左右,但是這時候沒有人會出來暖身。然後這邊還有很多溝通上的問題,所以你被迫要繼續投。

“One week I almost threw 270 pitches in a week. I ended up getting elbow inflammation because at the end of season my arm was messed up. They ended going to the playoffs but couldn’t use me because they overused me.”


That’s why DeSalvo said he turned down the offer to return to the team in Taiwan this year.
“At the end of day I want to be able to play catch with my kids,” he said. “I don’t have kids yet, but if I went back to Taiwan I wouldn’t be able to throw.”


But it didn’t deter DeSalvo from trying out for the Hanshin Tigers in Okinawa, Japan in early February.
“They wanted me throwing 93 or 94 (miles an hour). I was only throwing 91 because it was the first week of spring training and I wasn’t in mid-season form,” he said. “So I didn’t get the contract.”
Now, DeSalvo says he is retired.

但是這並沒有讓迪薩猛放棄去Hanshin Tigers在二月初舉行的測試。“他們想要我丟九三到九四英里的球,但我只能投到九一,因為現在才是春訓的第一天,再加上我現在還沒有調整到季中的狀況,所以我沒有拿到合約。”

“I had other options as far as work so I decided so I decided on retirement,” he said.
As for the next steps in his career?
“I have no clue really. The main thing is I’m gonna teach and coach.”
DeSalvo said he is certified in Ohio and Pennsylvania to teach biology, chemistry and environmental science at the high school level. While giving baseball lessons on the side, he is currently looking for a high school job but he does have a teaching gig lined up at Butler County Community College in Butler, Pennsylvania, which begins sometime in August. But the months between now and then is anyone’s guess as to what DeSalvo, who splits his time living between Ohio and Pennsylvania, will do.
And DeSalvo left the door open when asked what he would do if the right situation would come along for him to play again this season.




迪薩猛擁有在俄亥俄州與賓州教生物 化學 和環境科學的高中教師資格。目前除了教棒球之外,他正在找高中的工作,不過他八月也有一個在Butler County教棒球的工作機會。大家還在猜在他接受新工作之前 有在俄亥俄州與賓州之間兩邊跑的時候,到底還可以作些什麼。迪薩猛覺得,如果他的情況許可的話,不排除繼續投一季。

“I kind of would like to come back and play in the summer time just to walk away on my own terms,” he said. “I didn’t get to say goodbye to the game. I know that sounds weird and emotional coming from a baseball player. I would like to play a little bit. It depends on how my summer goes with teaching jobs. If I don’t get a teaching job I’d like to come and play in May through August. But it wouldn’t be fair to the team if I have a teaching job lined up that I have to leave for.”

“我滿想要在夏天照著自己的節奏打球的。我不用在球場上說掰掰,我知道這樣子好像有點太情緒化。我只想要在投一下下,不過這要看我夏天教書教的怎麼樣啦 。如果我沒有找到老師的工作的話,我就只想要在五月到八月之間稍微投一下。不過如果我確定之後會因為老師的工作而離開,那這樣對我的球隊太不公平了。”